
High School Days - Technology

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Literature Text

(F/N) (L/N) was in the Technology rooms, sitting hunched over one of the benches. She was carefully soldering the last few components onto a PCB. She sighed, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. The room smelt of partially melted plastic and smoke from the old breaking soldering iron. She cleaned the tip gently, pulling another length of solder out of the tub it was in.
The door creaked open, someone quietly coming in. She didn’t mind, it was probably another student or a teacher . . . Maybe even one of the school department technicians. (F/N) kept working, clipping a few spare legs off already soldered compartments. Unbeknownst to her, her long time best friend Alfred was sneaking up on her. Well. . . Okay, she couldn’t just call him her best friend. She had a little crush . . . Oh, who was she kidding? She liked him. A lot.  
She started soldering the last few legs down when Alfie, as she had affectionately nicknamed him, picked that (unfortunate) moment to jump out at her. He pounced at her, grabbing her shoulder and shaking her with a yell. She screamed, dropping the scalding hot iron. It burnt along the back of her hand, falling into her lap and burning along her thigh. She let out another scream and a sob, jumping up and knocking the male over.
“What the hell?!” She yelled, clawing at her hand. She sobbed again racing over to the sink. Alfie jumped up, going after her.
“Oh my god, chick, I am so sorry!” He said touching her shoulder. (F/N) slapped his hand away, jumping up to sit on the counter by the sink.
“Don’t touch me.” She said, crying. Sticking her hand under the stream of cold water, she cringed, her hand red and blistering. Alfie flapped slightly, unsure of what he could do. She sighed, glancing at her flustered crush. “Take my shoes off for me.” He looked at her confused, before doing what he was told.
“What was that for, babe?” He asked, worried. (F/N) blushed, checking her hand out.
“I need to get my thigh under the taps, so . . .” Alfie blushed bright red, getting that it was serious but still not understanding.
“So?” She groaned.
“So you’ll have to help me get my trousers off, the burns are all down my thumb and wrist and it’s a pain to move so I can’t do it myself.” Alfie stuttered out excuses, blushing. With a roll of the eyes, she smacked his shoulder.  “Man up Jones and just take my pants off! I know you’ve been wanting to for ages!” She snapped, glaring at him. He looked at her shocked, before reluctantly tugging her pants off and getting her legs under the taps.
Her son looked at her. “Well, that’s not nice mommy.” She frowned.
“How’s it not nice?” She asked her son.
“You shouldn’t have hit daddy.”  (F/N) stifled a laugh.
“Okay, I guess I was being a naughty mommy.” Her son poked her nose.
“Bad mommy!” He took her left hand in his little chubby hands, and pushed her sleeves up to reveal the scars that were left. After inspecting it and giving it a bit of a poke and a prod, he looked up at her.  He gently kissed her hand, grinning. She grinned back, ruffling her son’s hair as the door opened. The three year old jumped up, racing downstairs. “Daddy!” (F/N) followed him out standing at the top of the stairs. “Into the naughty corner!” Alfie grinned.
“Aww, why?” He whined. “What did I do, munchkin?”
“You gave mommy a hand boo-boo!” He laughed, glancing up at his wife.
“She didn’t tell you the full story, did she?”
“Alfred Jones, don’t you dare . . .”
“Oh, I dare.”
America's little bit of the series!
Hetalia doesn't belong to me.
You and your two beautiful children are equally tied to Alfred.
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Yuki-the-Trickster's avatar
XDDD I wonder what the full story was XDD